1337 Main Street
Former Site of Britton's
The heyday of Columbia's Jewish merchants came in the mid-20th century, with expansion into the suburbs and the development of shopping malls. Arnold Levinson (1927-2014), who learned the clothing business from working in his parents' dry goods store in Barnwell, opened his own store, Britton's, at 1337 Main Street in 1955. With a Tudor Revival façade of faux half-timbering and stucco, the building stood out from its neighbors. Part of Brittons' success, remarked Arnold's wife, Faye, stemmed from Arnold's 'love of fabric.' Thanks to this passion for fashion and his willingness to take risks, Arnold successfully expanded his establishment to include four locations: Dutch Square, Richland Mall, Columbia Mall and Main Street. Today, Arnold’s daughter, Stacey Levinson Lancaster, and son-in-law, Perry Lancaster, own and operate Brittons at 2818 Devine Street, “where first impression are lasting impressions.”