1620-1624 Main Street
Schulte-United Building
Constructed shortly after the merger between Schulte Retail Stores and United Cigar Stores in 1928, this Neoclassical-Modern style building is a good example of the architectural identity projected by the resulting chain store cigar company. The Schulte-United Company ceased to exist in 1931, a victim of the Great Depression. However, this store, now carrying more general retail merchandise, maintained its original name until 1954. The H.L. Green Company, which had bought the defunct chain, operated the store under its own name from 1955 until 1972. After 1972, tenants included Skate City, Manufacturers Outlet Shoe Dealers, and Gene’s Shoe Outlet Stores. The structure underwent a comprehensive rehabilitation in 2013 to become part of health care provider Agape Senior, today known as LTC Health Solutions