900 Block of Woodrow Street
Of all of the streets within Old Shandon, Woodrow Street has experienced the greatest change since the suburb's earliest days. In a handful of areas, formerly residential properties have yielded to commercial purposes, resulting in the destruction of historic dwellings or their heavy modification. The enlargement of some neighborhood institutions and the creation of others have erased multiple residential properties in some blocks. However, this street, which has become one of the community's most heavily traveled corridors, nonetheless retains much of its historic character through community involvement in new development.
For example, where Bethel A.M.E. Child Development Center stands today was previously the site of a two-story brick Colonial Revival style house erected by Shandon Baptist Church for its parsonage. However, within this block originally stood a series of wood frame houses. Included among them was the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Dillard at 905 Woodrow Street.