Adult Education
Historic Columbia provides many programs for educators and life-long learners. Choose from a variety of programs to learn about new resources to use in your classroom, learn practical skills including research, historic preservation and gardening. Adult education programs are designed for both newcomers and those who have worked with these topics for years.
Teacher Workshop
Each summer, Historic Columbia partners with local organizations to host a two-day workshop for teachers to help develop curriculum content and showcase new resources to use in the classroom. Continuing education credit is available to South Carolina teachers. Join us August 1-2, 2022 for an exploration of the lives of Columbia's most influential women past and present.
Preservation Workshops
We offer a series of workshops dedicated to teaching preservation techniques to owners of historic properties or simply lovers of all things old.
Garden Workshops
Join us for hands-on approaches to caring for plants in your garden. Garden workshops help you prepare for different growing seasons and considerations with different plant varieties. These tools and tips will ensure your garden is both vibrant and sustainable!
Research Roundtable
Learn more about Historic Columbia’s research initiatives at the monthly Research Roundtable programs. Staff will share their latest discoveries and lingering questions as they uncover the history of our community. Participants are welcome to bring their lunch to this program.
Upcoming Adult Education Events
See All Events02 Apr

Wednesday, April 2nd: 12 — 1 p.m.
Knowledge at Noon | Spring Migration
Spring Migration: Identifying South Carolina's Most Colorful Warblers Join local birder and HC volunteer John Tjaarda as he discusses how to identify some common warblers that will be migrating through Columbia on their journey north to nest in late April and early May. Warblers are some of the brightest, most...
Email or call 803.252.1770 x 26 for more information.