This event has passed.
Tuesday, January 22nd
12 — 1 p.m.
Research Roundtable | Babcock Building
Free for members
$5 for non-members
Seibels House : 1601 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201
Attend our monthly Research Roundtable programs to learn more about Historic Columbia’s research initiatives.
Recently, one of Columbia’s most iconic structures – the Babcock Building on the grounds of the former South Carolina State Hospital Bull Street campus – was threatened by fire. Join Historic Columbia’s Director of Cultural Resources, John Sherrer, as he explores the history of this venerable building. Participants are welcome to bring their lunch to this program.
Upcoming Adult Education Events
See All Events02 Apr

Wednesday, April 2nd: 12 — 1 p.m.
Knowledge at Noon | Spring Migration
Spring Migration: Identifying South Carolina's Most Colorful Warblers Join local birder and HC volunteer John Tjaarda as he discusses how to identify some common warblers that will be migrating through Columbia on their journey north to nest in late April and early May. Warblers are some of the brightest, most...