Why Palladium - Ari Robbins
Wednesday, February 9th 2022
Each month, Historic Columbia introduces one of its Palladium members. This series is designed to highlight individuals from HC’s dynamic group of diverse professionals.
Meet Ari Robbins
How long have you been involved with Palladium?
3 months
Where are you originally from?
Carmel, Indiana
If you are not from Columbia, what drove you to this city?
I was recruited by the UofSC Honors College and decided to stick around after graduation!
What is your current profession and the name of the organization in which you work?
Digital Marketer for the Ricciardi Group
Tell us, in your own words, why you became a member of Palladium.
I love Historic Columbia's mission, and I wanted to support them and spend time with other like-minded folks!
What is your favorite part about Palladium membership?
The free admission to special Historic Columbia events, and the camaraderie!
Why is history cool to you?
History is cool because it's everywhere. In school, you associate history with memorizing dates and wars and geopolitics. I like history more as an adult now because I realized things I love—community, architecture, food—are historical artifacts and have meaning beyond how I interact with them on a daily basis.
What's your favorite moment in history and/or a historical figure that inspires you?
Now is my favorite moment in history, because each day we learn more about the past.
What is your favorite building in Columbia?
The Richland Library on Main Street
Enhance Our City
Palladium members don't just learn about Columbia's past - they have a say in its future. Our fundraising events support Historic Columbia's important preservation and advocacy work, which in turn helps preserve the charm and vitality of the city we call home.