Thursday, February 13th
5:30 — 7 p.m.
Columbia Conversations | The Cost of the Vote
Boyd Foundation Horticultural Center : 1615 Blanding Street, Columbia, SC 29201
Join Historic Columbia for a talk and book signing by Carolyn Click. Her new book, The Cost of the Vote: George Elmore and the Battle for the Ballot, centers on George Elmore and the activists and lawyers who successfully challenged the all-white primary in South Carolina. Although Elmore’s court challenge would prove successful, he paid a steep personal price.
Historic Columbia members will be particularly delighted by Click’s ability to bring to life Columbia and its Black leaders during the 1940s who, as Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy noted, “accomplished much in the face of frightening resistance.”
Books are available for pre-order with registration and will be for sale on site before Click’s talk. Note that Historic Columbia members receive a 30% discount on all USC Press books.
About Carolyn Click
Carolyn Click is a journalist and teacher. She was Virginia editor for United Press International and a reporter at The Roanoke Times before coming to The State in 1994. Click has taught in the University of South Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communications and in USC’s Honors College.