2500 Block of Millwood Avenue
2500 Block of Millwood AvenueNeighborhood Public Art and Beautification Efforts
Lower Waverly features many examples of public art and beautification efforts that each speak to various decades of the neighborhood's history in which members of the community have taken steps to enhance their surroundings. In some cases citizens have made their own improvements that have led them to be recognized through garden and landscape awards. At other times, municipal leaders have imposed beautification projects for the betterment of the entire city. Perhaps one of the most notable examples of this city-imposed work are the jelly palms that line Gervais Street, said to have been planted in preparation for President Eisenhower's visit to the capital city in 1952. Later examples of more citizen-based efforts lie in Millwood Avenue's colorful murals, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park's portrait of its namesake, as well as a handful of stone obelisks that adorn Gervais Street and Millwood Avenue. Self-expression has also come in the form of graffiti, some encouraged, others not, that adorn buildings.