1321 Pine Street
1321 Pine StreetFormer Residence of Benjamin Allen Blocker
Built in 1919, this hipped-roof, wood-frame bungalow was the home of Benjamin A. Blocker (1884-1960) from its construction until his death in 1960. B.A. Blocker was born in Fairfield County but lived in Columbia for most of his life. After graduating from Allen University, he initially taught at Booker Washington Heights School. Around 1913, Blocker opened Richland Tailor Shop at 1118 ½ Washington Street. Three years later, he renamed the business B.A. Blocker’s Tailor Shop.
By the time of this home’s construction, Blocker had moved his business to 1112 Washington Street. According to the October 24, 1928 issue of The State, Blocker requested permission to build “a three horse-power boiler” at the rear of his home “for pressing club purposes.” The following month, he received permission to build a $300 wood-frame outbuilding, where he subsequently moved his business. This building remains standing today. After Blocker passed away in 1960, his widow, Blanche Cureton Blocker (1882-1980), continued to live here until her death in 1980. Since the 1980s, various owners have used the Waverly residence as a single-family dwelling.